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Cynthia Chomos

Cynthia Chomos is a Feng Shui Consultant, Catio Designer and the Founder of Catio Spaces, creating harmonious indoor and outdoor spaces for her 4-legged and 2-legged clients. She lives in Seattle with her adorable tabby Serena (who has four catios) and is the inspiration for Catio Spaces. Cynthia offers free catio tips, DIY Catio Plans and custom catios to keep cats safe and protect birds and wildlife.
Martha Stewart Features Catio Spaces

Martha Stewart Features Catio Spaces

For decades, I've been a fan of Martha Stewart for her creative and inspiring approach to home decorating, gardening, and her love of animals. When I first became a homeowner, I scoured through her books and magazines and implemented many DIY projects, from home...

CATIO FAQS: Everything You Need to Know

CATIO FAQS: Everything You Need to Know

If you're a cat parent considering a catio to keep your cat safe while enjoying the enrichment of the great outdoors, check out these frequently asked questions below. From why have a catio to types of locations, costs, building materials, and how to get one, we've...

Catios: The Cure for Spring Fever

Catios: The Cure for Spring Fever

Spring is here, and cat parents don’t need a calendar to know it. Is your curious cat constantly twitching their nose once you open that first window? Are you getting an early morning wake-up pounce when the birds start singing before sunrise? Some cats like to lurk...

Winterize Your Catio for Cold Weather

When a hint of a winter chill arrives in the evening air, cat parents ponder how to keep their cats enjoying their catio all year round. Feline fascination with the wonders of winter will draw almost every cat outside to watch the season unfold. Whether winter rolls...

Summer Catio Do’s and Dont’s

Now that sunshine and warmth are greeting you each daybreak (well, maybe a few summer showers or muggy mornings, too), it's time to tweak your outdoor catio into a warm-weather paradise for both you and your cat. While a catio gives your cat the freedom to safely...

Is It Cheaper To Buy or Build a Catio?

Is It Cheaper To Buy or Build a Catio?

More and more cat parents are exploring the concept of a catio to provide their cat with the enrichment of fresh air, sunshine, and the fascinating activity of nature without the risks of a free-roaming outdoor life. Putting time and money into a catio is a worthwhile...

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