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CATIO TOUR Events Directory

Catios, outdoor “cat patios”, are a growing trend for cat enrichment and safety that also protect birds and other wildlife.

Inspired by the first catio tour in Portland, cities across the United States and Canada are hosting tours featuring homes with catios (and their lucky feline inhabitants) that showcase how catios can be created for a home and garden.

Catio Tours inform communities about the benefits of catios, which help keep cats safe and protect birds and wildlife, promoting responsible pet ownership.

Is there a catio tour in your city?  Check the list below.
When Is It Time to Get a Catio?

When Is It Time to Get a Catio?

Every cat is unique in personality, yet their behaviors can sometimes be challenging even for the strongest kitty-human bonds. Over the years I’ve received emails from cat parents all over the world seeking solutions to their indoor/outdoor dilemma. Indoor cats can...

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Animal welfare affiliate program owl

grey bird decoration

Animal Welfare Affiliate Program

Do you belong to an animal, bird or wildlife organization? Generate revenue for your organization while sharing the benefits of catios!

Our mission

Cat enrichment & safety outdoors while protecting birds and wildlife

grey cat our mission catiospaces

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