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CATIO FAQS: Everything You Need to Know

CATIO FAQS: Everything You Need to Know

If you’re a cat parent considering a catio to keep your cat safe while enjoying the enrichment of the great outdoors, check out these frequently asked questions below. From why have a catio to types of locations, costs, building materials, and how to get one, we’ve got the scoop.

5 Tips from Your Cat to Ring in the New Year

5 Tips from Your Cat to Ring in the New Year

If any living being has learned to make the most of living enjoyably indoors – while also enjoying safe outdoor excursions in a catio – it’s our feline soulmates. Paying attention to what makes them happiest is exactly the inspiration you need to enrich your own life in the coming year.

Home Safe Home: Pet Safety and Catios

Home Safe Home: Pet Safety and Catios

We know how curious pets can be, especially now that the weather is cooler and we are in and out of the house, completing our countless pre-winter projects. Whether you have cats or dogs, an exploring pet can quickly swallow unattended objects, munch on toxic...

Two Happy Catio Tales

Two Happy Catio Tales

September is Happy Healthy Cat Month! As cat parents and children head back to work and school, separation anxiety can become an issue for cats in many households. However, with a commitment to quality time with your favorite feline, some enrichment tips, and catio stimulation, you can keep your cat happy and your home harmonious with life changes.

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